3 x Sungold Supersweet Cherry Tomato Plug Plants

Product no.: PLUGPL119

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Plug Plant Count: 3    


 We are offering Three (3) 'Sungold Supersweet' (Golden-Orange Cherry) Tomato plug plants ready for potting on and growing on in frost free greenhouse or on sunny windowsill ready for planting out as soon as last frosts have passed


An outstanding golden-orange cherry Tomato 'Sungold Supersweet' is without question, the sweetest bush cherry fruit you'll ever eat! It has an intensely sweet flavour with a BRIX reading of 11.5%, four times as sweet as your average supermarket variety.

Perfect for growing outdoors or in the greenhouse, its cascading trusses are smothered in fruits that remain ripe and ready for picking over long periods of time (early July to October). A very prolific cropper, Sungold Supersweet will produce up to 10lbs of cherry-sized fruits from every plant (seasonal growing conditions permitting).

We're pretty sure this World Exclusive Variety will replace your favourite bush cherry Tomato; with its thin skin and juicy flesh, it's perfect for adding flavour and colour to salad or fantastic as a tasty snack on its own.

Incredibly easy to grow in pots, baskets, or in your flower or vegetable border, tomato Sungold Supersweet is robust and has excellent resistance to disease, making growing your own tomatoes fool proof – even if you have never tried before. There's no complicated training or pinching out of side-shoots as this is a bush variety – just plant them, water and feed them – then wait for the deliciously tempting fruit!



It is best to re-pot in stages before their final pot size. Once in final pot size plants may need staking for support. Water regularly but be careful not to over water, surface of compost can be allowed to dry out slightly between watering.


When plug plants arrive transplant into individual 7.5cm (3") pots of compost and grow on at a minimum temperature of 15C (59F).

When plants are well grown, transplant into baskets and containers. If the plant is suited for growing outdoors when all risk of frost has passed gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions over 7 - 10 days before positioning baskets outdoors in a sheltered position in full sun once all frost risk has passed.



Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.
Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


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