Vegetable seeds are the most important part of our business. We have a large extensive range of seeds including some heritage items and an interesting and unusual range of oriental varieties. You will also find more traditional vegetables.
Browse our extensive range of Seeds developed for all kinds’ of growers...
ArtichokeArtichokes are bush-like perennial flowering vegetable plants that need a very long growing season. |
AsparagusAsparagus Combines a high return with a productive life of around 20 years. Requires relatively little maintenance. |
AubergineViridis Hortus offer a good selection of varieties of Aubergine or Egg Plant which is a member of the tomatoand pepper family |
BabyLeafA mixture of all of the baby leaf varieties, giving an easy solution for mixed leaf production. |
BeetrootThe usually deep purple roots of beetroot are eaten either boiled, roasted or raw, either alone or combined with any salad vegetable. |
Broad BeanBroad beans are easy to grow and utterly delicious, heralding hungry gap between late autumn and the beginning of bountiful summer harvests. |
BroccoliSprouting Broccoli has mainly small, purple/green heads which mature slowly and can occupy the ground for almost a year. |
Brussels SproutViridis Hortus offer a good selection of varieties to cover a wide cropping period see the listings for specific sowing and cropping details |
CabbageCabbage is a versatile vegetable with careful selection this meaning you have a supply of different types of cabbage all seasons of the year |
CalabreseCalabrese are smaller, compact types, producing larger crowns, Sprouting Broccoli has mainly small, purple heads which mature slowly |
CarrotsCarrots can be cropped in succession through the year, allowing harvest from late spring through to late winter. |
CauliflowerViridis Hortus offers a good selection of varieties to cover a very wide cropping period see the listings for specific sowing/cropping times |
CeleriacCeleriac also called turnip-rooted celery or knob celery, a variety cultivated for its edible roots, It's sometimes called celery root |
CeleryViridis Hortus offers a good selection of varieties to cover a very wide cropping period see the listings for specific sowing/cropping times |
ChicoryAll year round vegetable, but the British season is from January to mid-March alternatively try radicchio |
CourgetteCourgette is a summer squash, the fruit is typically harvested as a baby vegetable, approximately finger size, pick before they get too big. |
CressHere we offer true cress varieties, with their distinctive peppery flavour. Edible shoots are typically harvested in one to two weeks. |
Cucumber / GherkinsCucumber is a widely cultivated plant. It is a creeping vine that bears cylindrical fruits that are used as culinary vegetables. |