Meconopsis Baileyi Shades of Blue Flower Seeds

Product no.: FLOW145

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from £1.45
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Common name: Blue Poppy, Himalayan Poppy

This quite reliable perennial is far superior to Meconopsis betonicifolia. This selection includes both pale blue and violet shades of the famous "Himalayan Blue Poppy" as well as the normal kingfisher blue. It forms clumps of hairy leaves from which arise strong stems carrying heads of silky, almost transparent petals with golden eyes up to four inches across, and is one of the most beautiful garden plants you can grow. It multiplies up each year into a massive golden-haired clump which can be divided to increase the size of the bed. In a shady spot with organic-enriched soil a bed of these plants make an unbelievable sight. We challenge you to grow these gorgeous plants.



Seeds can be sown at any time, but for a full season of growth are best sown in trays in early spring. Cover seeds thinly in a cool spot, artificial heat is rarely needed as this can cause rapid germination and fungal attack or even make the seeds go MORE DEEPLY DORMANT. Seedlings usually appear within 3 to 6 weeks but can take much longer. Pot on into small pots and protect from hot sun. Plant out into a shaded, moist, peaty or organic soil. Many are herbaceous, dying down to a large, resting, winter bud.


  • Colour: Shades of Blues
  • Classification: Hardy perennial
  • Flowering: May - July
  • Height: 75CM Spread: 50cm
  • Position: Sunny / Well-Drained Soil


Suitable for the Garden, vegetable garden, allotments, borders and containers. 

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
Square 7cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.31L Square 7cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.31L
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