These inserts are made from 100% recycled plastic.
5 x Set Vacapot insert Plug Trays V12 (Totalling 60 Plugs Pots)
10 x Set Vacapot insert Plug Trays V12 (Totalling 120 Plugs Pots)
15 x Set Vacapot insert Plug Trays V12 (Totalling 180 Plugs Pots)
20 x Set Vacapot insert Plug Trays V12 (Totalling 240 Plugs Pots)
Vacapots V12 cell cavity size at top: 78mm x 65mm x 52mm Internal Depth that fit flush to the top of our standard seed tray for easy soil filling also can be split in (4 strips of 3 pots) or (12 single pots)
These inserts for Seed Trays are thin walled inserts designed to fit British standard full seed trays.
There used as a cheap alternative to plug trays especially good for starting of seeds and starting off trees, shrubs and bigger vegetables.
These trays can be re-used for several seasons, inserts are stocked in black. Each tray measures: 36cm long x 23cm wide. With drainage holes.
Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers. Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season.