Calabrese Waltham 29 200 Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV378

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Packet Content (approx.): 50


Growing Waltham 29 Calabrese/Broccoli Vegetable Seeds

  • Latin Name: brassica oleracea var italica
  • Other Names:
  • Days to Maturity: 85 days
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-10
  • Planting Depth: 1"
  • Plant Spacing: 3"
  • Row Spacing: 18-30"
  • Growth Habit: Bush
  • Soil Preference: Composted soil above six ph, temperature 60 to 65 degrees
  • Temp Preference: Warmer
  • Light Preference: Partial
  • Pests/diseases: Cabbage worms and aphids.
  • Color:Green with green/blue tops
  • Flavor: Mild with a crispy texture.

The Waltham 29 variety of broccoli is hardy and can be grown best in zones three to ten. You can start growing broccoli by sowing the seeds directly outside, one fourth of an inch deep, eighteen inches apart, with eighteen to thirty inches between the rows. The Waltham 29 broccoli needs full sun to thrive. During the first two weeks, the organic broccoli seeds will be germinating, and will need consistently moist soil. While growing, the broccoli seedlings? soil will need to be moderately watered. It is recommended to water at ground level. Within eighty five days, the Waltham 29 broccoli will be mature and ready to harvest; by this time, the heads of the main shoot will have a diameter of about five to six inches. By cutting off the main head at this time, more side shoots/florets will be encouraged to grow.


SOW INDOORS: February thinly ½in (1cm) deep in clean trays or modules of firm pre watered compost. Keep soil moist at all times. Place in warmth 15-20°C (60-70°F) and keep moist at all times.

SOW OUTDOORS: April-July thinly ½in (1cm) deep in rows 12in (30cm) apart. Keep soil moist at all times. Sow March-July, Germinates between 7 and 30°C. Plant out April-July at around 23 x 30cm, for harvesting June-December. Later maturity is possible in milder climates.


Plant out April-July at around 23 x 30cm, for harvesting June-December. Later maturity is possible in milder climates.

Spacing between 30x30 and 40x60cm. For smaller crowns suitable for freezing, Spacing 30x10cm.

  • PLANT OUT: April-July 12in (30cm) apart with 12in (30cm) between each row.
  • THIN OUT: 12in (30cm) apart.
  • HARVEST: June-December
  • Heads 55-60 days after planting out.
  • Protect from Cabbage White Butterfly with netting.


Cut the main crown when in tight bud. Side shoots will subsequently develop.  Lower crop density gives a longer period of harvest, as more secondary heads are produced.

The heads must be cut whilst in tight bud; once per week in cool weather, and twice a week is essential in warm weather.


Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
5 x Propagator Sets Full Standard Seed Trays V25 5 x Propagator Sets Full Standard Seed Trays V25
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