Courgette Atena F1 Yellow 8 Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV257

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Delivery period: 1 working days

Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Packet Content (approx): 8


Courgette Atena F1 produces glossy yellow courgette, with cylindrical fruit of good quality. Vigorous but tidy plant habit, highly prolific over a long period.

The use of courgette flowers is popular in many restaurants, and this variety can be harvested with the flower on, or the flower can be detached and used separately.


The courgette crop has recently benefited from the increased interest in gourmet cooking. Courgette flowers and yellow fruited varieties also fulfill a specialist demand from the restaurant market, while recently introduced top quality round courgettes add extra interest. Very prolific, cost-effective croppers. Can be grown early or late under glass to extend the season, when there is a price premium.


Sow: April to May.

  • Sow seeds vertically 1cm deep in a pot or tray of moist seed compost. Place in propagator/cover with glass, polythene bag until the seedlings appear (5-8 days). 
  • When the seedlings have 2/3 leaves transplant them into 9cm pots and grow on for a few more weeks.
  • Harden them off by putting outside during the day for 3/4 days.
  • Plant out in mid – late May when the chance of frost has passed.
  • Space at 60-120 by 90-150cm.
  • Harvest from July onwards.


Incorporate plenty of organic matter to feed the plant and help retain water. Keep well watered. Can also be grown in greenhouse soil provided it is very fertile and they are well watered or even in gro-bags or containers.


Suitable for the garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.

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