Carrot Paris Market Atlas 1500 Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV238

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Delivery period: 1 working days

Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Packet Content (approx.): 1500 (1.5g) 


Carrot Paris Market Atlas Seeds a little but tasty, almost round variety of carrot. One would say novelty were it not for its great taste excellent raw or used whole in casseroles.

An excellent variety for growing in containers or poor thin stony soil as it is shallow rooting. It can be sown February to April under glass or April to August outside.

Carrot ‘Paris Market Atlas’ is an early quick to mature variety that can be successional sown every 2-3 weeks through spring into the summer. It is an early variety but can be used as a 2nd early or maincrop.

Site: Sandy soil free from stones is ideal. Don’t grow on ground that has been manured in the last year as it causes forking. A sunny spot is perfect.


When to Sow: February to April under cover or April to August outside.


How to Sow:

Sow thinly, directly into a pre-watered drill 1.5cm deep. Aim for a seed every 2.5cm to avoid the need for too much thinning and sow in rows 15cm apart. If you do need to thin do it at night when the carrot-fly is not around. Lightly cover the seed with fine soil. Seedlings should appear at about 17 days. If grown in containers just sprinkle seed thinly over surface of compost & cover with fine sieved compost, gently firm & water.

Care: Water at night and keep watered in dry periods. Try not to weed especially during the day as it may attract carrot-fly.

Harvest: July to October. Lift all remaining roots by October, remove soil from the roots and store in dry sand but do not allow the carrots to touch each other as it can cause rotting.


Tender carrots pulled straight from the garden and eaten with the tops still attached beat any bought from the supermarket and can get even the most stubborn child to eat his or her veggies.

Before planting, consider where you are going to grow - this will determine the varieties grown. If your soil is light, sandy, and free of stones or if you are growing in raised beds / containers, then varieties with longer roots (Early Nantes, Autumn King, Resistafly) can be grown. But, if the soil has a lot of clay, is shallow or rocky, then carrots with shorter roots (Paris Market Atlas, Chatenay) do better.
Carrots prefer a light, sandy soil with a pH between 6.0 to 7.0 and temperatures between 40 to 80 degrees

The first step is preparation of the bed where the carrots seeds will be planted. Prepare the area by mixing in plenty of compost about three weeks prior to planting. Plan to sow a succession of crops, at three-week intervals.

  • Sow your carrot seeds in rows about 1cm deep and about 2.5cm apart - row spacing about 25cm apart.
  • The ideal soil temperature for carrot seed germination is seventy five degrees Fahrenheit (twenty-four degrees Celsius). They will germinate in temperatures above and below, but for optimal germination, seventy-five will serve you well.
  • The seedlings when through are tiny, but will grow fast.
  • Make sure your carrots do not dry out, but also do not over water, monitor rainfall and water them first thing in the morning with a deep soaking, every few days.
  • Feed the carrots twice, first when they are about 8cm tall and again when they are about 15cm tall.
  • When the carrots are around 8-10cm high, thin out the row to leave at 5cm spacing for larger carrots, the carrots you pull up for this thinning can be eaten.
  • Plan to harvest before carrots fully mature, as they are more tender when picked earlier. Carrots mature 65 to 85 days after seeds are sown


Suitable for the garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.

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