3 x Snackbites Mixed - Sweet Pepper Plug Plants

Product no.: PLUGPL018

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Plug Plant Count: 3   


We are offering Three(3) Sweet Pepper 'Snackbites Mixed' plug plants ready for potting on and growing on in frost free greenhouse or on sunny windowsill ready for planting out as soon as last frosts have passed


Aptly named, this colourful mix is perfect for adding to lunchboxes, providing a good source of vitamin C and beta carotene. Sweet Bites Pepper produces small 7cm (3") peppers with a high sugar content and a super sweet flavour. The seeds are conveniently located at the stem end of each pepper making them easy to eat, without the need to remove the seeds first. This colourful, compact variety is ideal for growing in the greenhouse or in containers on a sunny patio. Height: 50cm (20"). Spread: 40cm (16").

Water bell pepper plants regularly throughout the growing season and feed weekly with a high potash tomato fertiliser once the first fruits have set. Taller varieties of sweet peppers may require staking.

Provide a thick mulch of organic matter around the base of the plants to help conserve moisture and reduce weed growth. In greenhouses, maintain high humidity by damping down paths daily.

Harvest peppers singly by cutting them from the plant with secateurs. Peppers grown outdoors must be harvested before the first frosts.

When plug plants arrive transplant into individual 7.5cm (3") pots of compost and grow on at a minimum temperature of 15C (59F).

When plants are well grown, transplant into baskets and containers. If the plant is suited for growing outdoors when all risk of frost has passed gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions over 7 - 10 days before positioning baskets outdoors in a sheltered position in full sun once all frost risk has passed.



Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.
Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


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