Carrot Berlicum 2 (Daucus carota subsp. sativus)
Quality open-pollinated variety suitable for maincrop growing. Good colour and texture, cylindrical stump-shaped roots, often reaching up to 20cm in length in lighter soils.
The variety 'Berlicum' is an old, Italian storage carrot. It forms long (about 20 cm), cylindrical, blunt, orange roots with an excellent taste. This carrot variety is of the Nantaise type.
As a storage carrot, it should not be harvested before the foliage turns yellow or red at the tips.
Sowing & cultivation
- Sowing time outdoors: January - June
- Germination time in days: 14??40
- Planting distance: 2??6?cm
- Main harvest: May - October There's no clear sign for ripeness.
- Bad intercropping partners: Celery, Fennel, Parsley, pastinake
- Good intercropping partners: Chard,Dill, Garlic, Leafy lettuce, Leek, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Radishes, blumenkohl, endivie
- Seed time: From January, it can be sown in a hotbed and from March outdoors
- Sowing depth:1-2,5 cm
- Ideal germination temperature: Ab +3°C
- Germination duration: Carrots need very long, 21-27 days on average. Therefore, it's recommended to mix the seeds rather with radish seeds or with dill seeds. Both germinate clearly faster and, thereby, mark the row, so that the care of the seed is made easier. By harvesting the radish, which is ripe earlier, the rows are automatically thinned out. The dill should also be removed when it reaches a height of approx. 25cm.
- Row spacing: 30-45 cm
- Plant distance: 3-5 cm
- Location: Sunny
- Ground: Sandy-clayey, deep, loose, stone-free ground. This variety prospers very well in clayey soils.
- Care: Carrots are moderate feeders and don't tolerate fresh dung. Only use ripe compost for fertilizing. Carrots don't want to be kept moist during the germination period and often need supplementary watering on sandy soils during the hot summer months. It's necessary to pull up weeds at a young stage as the tender plantlets are fastly overgrown by weeds. For good results, the soil should be loosened regularly. Especially after strong rain when it tends to clog.
- Family: Umbellifers (Apiaceae)
Sow Successionally January - June
Carrot seeds are small, but its wise to plant them as thinly as possible. This reduces the amount of thinning necessary and potential risk from pests. Mix the seeds with a handful of sharp sand and sow the seeds and sand together. Sand will also aid drainage. Sow seed 1.8cm (¾") deep in drills 23-30cm (9-12") apart. Thin seedlings when the first rough leaves appear, repeating as necessary until plants are 5-7.5cm (2-3") apart. Row 6m (20') or more. Sow thinly to minimise thinning (which can attract Carrot Root Fly). Avoid crushing the leaves as the scent attracts carrot root fly.
Start outdoor sowings January to March sowings can be made under cloches, or in large pots in a cool greenhouse.
Carrot seeds hate drying out and germinate slowly (14 to 21 days) so if your sowing seed in summer, a good way to keep them moist is to lay wet newspaper on top of the damp soil. Once the seedlings are showing their first rough leaves, thin out to 10cm apart which minimises competition and enables the carrots to grow quickly to harvest size. The plants need little other attention during their growth period, although the plants should be kept well watered too little water results in coarse, woody roots.
Surround the carrot bed with a barrier of fleece at least 60cm high to keep low flying carrot root fly from your crop.
Harvesting: May - October.
Start pulling up your carrots as soon as they are big enough to eat. Its best to harvest them in the evening to avoid attracting carrot fly. Late-sown carrots must be lifted by October to be stored over the winter. Remember that winter carrots take a little longer to mature than summer carrots.
Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.
Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.