Tundra F1 (Winter) Savoy Cabbage Vegetable Seed

Product no.: SEEDV385

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from £1.12
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Tundra F1 cabbage is a winter Savoy type with superb winter survival. Compact frame with very little wastage. 1.25-2.5kg heads with a neat, attractive appearance. Dark green Savoyed foliage.

  • Maturity from planting: 110 days approx.
  • Harvest Season: Mid October Onwards
  • Head weight (Kg) 1.25 - 2.5kg
  • Head Colour: Dark green
  • High in vitamins and low in calories


One of the best introductions in years. Very frost hardy and matures quickly, sown May to July ready in November but holds until April. Great flavour too.

Awarded the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (AGM). 

Sow April - July germinates between 10 and 25°C. 

Sow 1cm (1/2? deep.

Seedlings are ready for transplanting when they have 5 or 6 leaves. Make a hole big enough to accommodate the root ball firming the soil around the plant. 


 The spacing between plants depends on the end product, for compact heads space at 30cm, 45cm for large heads and only 15cm for spring cabbage to encourage the pointed conical shape.


All young seedlings and transplants should be protected from cabbage root fly. The most successful way to do this is with protective discs around the base of the stem, often called collars.


Keep young plants well watered until established and then only water during dry periods. Keep weeds under control in the beds. Earth up spring and winter cabbages in winter and firm down any which have been loosened by wind and frost. 


 Cabbages like a fertile, well-drained, moisture retentive, firm soil. The main crop beds should be dug over and firmed a few weeks before planting.


Plant 30-45cm (12-18?) apart.

Space rows 40-60cm (16-24?) apart.

An easy to grow and low maintenance plant that will give confidence to the first time gardener as it produces bucket loads of veg. Plant out in April - late May when the chance of frost has passed. Incorporate plenty of organic matter to feed the plant and help retain water.


As they are hungry feeders, feed them every 14 days with a potash rich fertilizer. Keep well watered but do not wet the fruit.


Harvest: November to April.


Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.

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