Chicory Brussels Witloof 1200 (2 g's)

Product no.: SEEDV345

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Delivery period: 1 working days

Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Packet Content (approx.): 1200 (2 g's)


This plant produces one of the finest and most delicious of winter salad crops. Excellent for forcing and easy to grow, the seed is sown in spring in a shallow drill and the plants thinned out to 9ins apart. The carrot-like roots are harvested in November and stored in a cool place. 3 or 4 weeks before required, bring them into a dark, warm place when the delicious, succulent shoots, "Chicons", will be formed. 8ins (20cm)




April and May  (June/July when forcing)


Sow direct in the growing site in well prepared humus rich soil, 1cm deep in rows 40cm apart


When the seedlings form a third leaf, thin to 20cm apart. Take leaves as required. Lift roots in autumn, trim off leaves and lower part of roots, plant close together in boxes water and cover with black polythene
Seed sown early in the ealry summer should have produced good size plants by early autumn.  Dig these up and transfer, planting into large containers.  Use a good compost and sand.  Trim the top of the plant off leaving a stub of plant about 3cm above groung level.  These should be covered with a bucket or something of similar size.  A large plant pot is good but ensure the drainage holes are well covered to stop any light from getting in.  Light will cause the leaves to be bitter tasting.  Put in a dark, warm place at a temperature of at least 10cm and in 3 to 6 weeks the plants should be about 20cm tall.  At this time they can be harvested. Leave the roots in the same pot as the shoots will continue to grow back as you pick throughout winter so you'll have a continuous supply of crisp leaves.  The leaves may get smaller after the first harvest.


November to March


Kept frost free, the chicons are ready when 10-12cm long. The warmer the storage is, the earlier will be the chicons.


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