Dwarf French Bean Safari Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV276

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from £0.95
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Dwarf French Bean, Safari (Phaseolus vulgaris) are great 'Kenya' bean, Safari will produce a great crop of uniform, stringless, green beans of supermarket quality - but with much more flavour because you can cook them just minutes after picking! Pods are carried high on the plants, making picking easy, and the plants have good disease-resistance.

Dwarf French Bean Safari has an excellent plant habit and high pod attachment, performs well even in less favourable conditions. Pods are 6-8mm in diameter and 11cm long.

  • Half-hardy Annual
  • Sowing Months: April, May, June, July
  • Flowering Period: July, August, September, October
  • Position: Full sun


French beans are sub-tropical in origin and therefore highly susceptible to frost damage. If a late frost does catch seedlings the only option is to remove them and re-sow. Germination rates for all French beans are about 80% therefore sow seeds approximately every 15cm, in 5cm deep pre-watered drills. When the seedlings emerge, thin them out to about 1

Handy Tip

  • A good tip is to sow two seeds in the last position on each row, meaning you have additional seedlings to fill in any gaps. A second tip, is don't pre-soak the beans as this encourages pest attack and reduces germination rates.
  • Nutritional Value A good source of Pro-vitamin A, Vitamin K and Folic acid.
  • Keep well watered and weeded (both tasks can be reduced by surrounding the plants with an organic mulch).
  • Dwarf French beans can manage with short bamboo poles or sticks to scramble up

Companion Plants: Potato, Cucumber, Maize, Strawberry, Celery, Summer Savory. Avoid Onion

Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
5 x Propagator Sets Full Standard Seed Trays V20 5 x Propagator Sets Full Standard Seed Trays V20
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