Brussels Sprout Evesham Special - 375 Veg Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV175

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from £0.99
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Brussels Sprout Evesham Special is a real old favourite for its generous crops which are ready particularly early in the season, giving you harvests from September till Christmas. The plants are medium height, making them a good choice for exposed sites and smaller gardens, and grow vigorously to produce densely-packed stems of fat, firm and delicious sprouts.


  • Early March to end of April in a seed tray or in smoll pots inside, or in a prepared seedbed outside, about 1 cm deep.Transplant into final position when plants have 4-6 leaves and are large enough to handle. Spacing 60 x 60cm.Water well during the summer period, protect from slugs and pigeons.
  • Seedlings are ready to plant out when they are 10-15cm high. Water the bed rows the day before transplanting and plant seedlings with the bottom leaves just above the soil surface.
  • Close planting will produce smaller sprouts which will mature together. Wider spacing will yield larger sprouts over a longer period. Spacing depends also depends on the variety.

Brussels Sprouts require a firm, well cultivated soil, with plenty of organic matter incorporated early in the season but not too close to the time of planting out.

Routine Care:

To encourage smaller sprouts that will mature together, pinch out the growing tip when the lower sprouts are 1cm in diameter.

To encourage sprouts to fill out top-dress the soil in midsummer with sulphate of ammonia. Once plants are established they should not require any further watering unless there is a period of drought. To over-winter plants stake stems especially if planted on light sandy soils.

Harvest from mid September to End December.

Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


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