Butternut Squash (Winter) Hunter F1

Product no.: SEEDV146

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Delivery period: 1 working days

Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Packet Content (approx.): 10

The fruit are light tan in colour with sweet, bright orange flesh, they have an excellent flavour and store very well. It matures up to 4 weeks earlier than other varieties, but has a more compact open habit with slightly smaller fruit. A real winner especially for those of us 'up North' where squash growing had seemed a dream!

The 'Hunter F1' is an early maturing Butternut Squash which has been specifically developed over the last 10 years to suit the UK climate. It is very hardy producing strong plants that will give 6 - 7 squashes

Sow indoors in pots April to June or sow direct from mid May to the end of June. A minimum temperature of 10°C (50°F) will be needed for germination, which can be supplied in the greenhouse, glazed porch, or cold frame. If grown entirely in a heated greenhouse seed can be sown in situ in late winter, or early spring for transplanting to a cloche or cold frame. If you do not have any glass, then delay sowing until late spring to avoid damage from heavy frost.

Harden them off by putting outside during the day for 3/4 days. Plant out in mid - late May when the chance of frost has passed spacing every 50cm in rows 50cm apart. Incorporate plenty of organic matter to feed the plant and help retain water. Keep well watered. Can also be left to grow in a greenhouse soil provided it is very fertile and they are kept moist.

As they are hungry feeders, feed them every 14 days with a potash rich fertilizer. Keep well watered but try not to wet the fruit.


September to October! Pick any remaining fruits before the first frosts. These can be stored in frost free conditions and can last to Christmas and beyond.


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