Serrano Hot Chilli Pepper Fruit/Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV115

Currently unavailable


Dark green, turning red when fully mature. Slightly hotter than Jalapeno pepper, used in Mexican sauces and relishes. 2.5-5cm in length.

Growing Hot Peppers is very similar to growing Sweet Peppers and Tomatoes. For best results it is advised to grow the crop indoors with heat. This means that crops can be grown all year round with the correct temperatures.

A very hot pepper extremely pungent plants reach up to 1 meter under cover. High yielding.


Sowing & Growing

Sow early December-January, or for main crop March- April.

Sow the seed into compost either into a seed tray or into modules with a temperature between 20-24°C and cover with a light layer of compost. Germination typically takes 14 - 21 days. Cover the compost with clear plastic film which helps raise the temperature aiding germination.


Once seedlings emerge they do not require quite as much heat, temperatures can be reduced to 18°C by day and no lower than 16°C at night.


It is best to re-pot in stages before their final pot size. Once in final pot size plants may need staking for support. Water regularly but be careful not to over water, surface of compost can be allowed to dry out slightly between watering.

Please note that germination can be slow and erratic on some open pollinated hot peppers.



Hot peppers can be harvested from green or once ripened into yellow, orange or red. A Hot Pepper's heat usually intensifies with maturity. Once ripe fruits can remain on plant in good condition until temperatures begin to drop.


For best production keep the plants in the Greenhouse, Polytunnel, Conservatory.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
Square 9cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.56L Square 9cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.56L
from £2.82 *
Square 7cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.31L Square 7cm Black Plant Pots Volume 0.31L
from £2.27 *
Square 11cm Black Plant Pots Volume 1L Square 11cm Black Plant Pots Volume 1L
from £4.93 *
* Prices plus VAT, plus delivery
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