Lettuce Endive, Soldata CN END 3902 Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV026

Currently unavailable

Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Seeds per Pack (approx.): 740 (1.4g's)

Endive is a leafy green vigorous, crisp, dark green. The blade is narrow and tapered with jagged leaf margin vegetable which is related to the daisy family. It is most often used raw in salads and the name is commonly used when referring to other greens such as chicory or radicchio. It is quite rich in vitamins and minerals?in particular folate, vitamins A, C and K, and is also high in dietary fiber when included within a raw food diet.

Lettuce Endive Soldata vibrant maroon red with glossy leaf blade is a non-hearty and attractive lettuce with frilly leaves. Its crunchy nutty flavored leaves grow upright to form a loose leaf head. Batavia?s have an excellent shelf life, maintaining their crispness from the time they're harvested until the time they reach the dinner table.
Sow Febuary indoor for early frame planting or sow end April onwards outdoors

Often expensive when shop bought, so grow your own - it's easy from seed and more satisfying!

They can be grown all year round, for a continuous supply of tasty and nutritious baby leaves. They can be grown in the home, on windowsills or raised in pots in glasshouses or polytunnel ?S in cooler areas for winter early spring crops.


Cultural Details:

Sow March - August, for spring and summer crops, sow direct into prepared seed beds in the kitchen garden or greenhouse border, and this is the best growing technique for spring and summer crops.

Cover with vermiculite - germinates in 7?14 days around 12-15oC.

Prick out into module trays when large enough (unless sown directly into modules), then when ready, plant up at 25 x 30cm, either out-doors or for earlier crop in unheated glasshouse or polythene tunnel.


Harvest May - November

If birds are a problem in your garden, spread netting to prevent them eating the seed.

Sow every two weeks for a continual supply of tender young leaf.


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