Lettuce A Foglia di Quercia Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV014

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Lettuce seed for the A Foglia di Quercia produces a lettuce that has light green, oak leaf type leaves and is a great 'cutting' lettuce which will keep growing after cutting so is ideal in the garden but especially great for growing indoors, beside a window, for the freshest sandwich filling. If you can stagger the sowing you will ensure a regular crop. Sow all year round.

SOW: March - November direct into plot or October - February under cover
DISTANCE: about 0.4-meters between rows and 0.3-meters between plants.
HARVEST: April - December

Fresh crispy lettuce leaves cut when you need them for the tastiest of salads! Lettuces can be grown intercropped between other vegetables and can often be used as "cut and come again". They are adaptable plants that can be grown in containers and on windowsills, so ideal for small gardens.


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