KohlRabi Giant Superschmelz Vegetable Seeds

Product no.: SEEDV010

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Superschmelz is a giant kohlrabi, soft like butter, for outdoor cultivation the only giant variety of Kohl Rabi to grow uniformly large, yet remains very sweet  and tender.
If well fertilized it can reach a weight of up to 10 Kg.
It produces juicy 8-10 inch bulbs, and the large root system lends itself to dry  areas.
These are at their best when summer sown for autumn harvest.
Stores well in a cool spot. Can be sown until mid-April. It requires plenty of  water. Stores well. Perfect for deep freezing.

Growing Instructions

Kohl Rabi are grown like other Brassicas (cabbages). They like rich well drained  soil with pH above 6.0 and sunny position, keep well watered. Sow end of summer  to winter, and in early spring, from 2 weeks before last frost of spring to 2-4  weeks before first frost of autumn. Plants tolerate frost. Plant seed 1/4 inch  deep, in loose soil to avoid crusting over. Allow the plants about 6-12 inches  minimum spacing. Harvest when the "bulbs" are about 3 inches in diameter. Plants  may be started in pun net and transplanted out.

Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during  season.

Regular feeding is recommended.


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