
Red Grape Vine Boskoop Glory Plant 0.5Ltr Pot

Product no.: PLAN014

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Plant Count: 1

Red Grape Vine Boskoop Glory a good outdoor red wine/dessert fruit plant 0.5Ltr Pot

Vitis Boskoop Glory is a great variety for wine making and is probably one of the most reliable for outdoor cropping. A very robust and hardy variety and a very heavy cropper.

The grapes are also excellent for desert use. You will receive an over-wintered garden ready plant in an 9cm square pot, which is at least 1 year old. Your plant can be planted straight out into the garden but may benefit for growing on in a larger pot for a few weeks first.

Prune in winter to keep at a manageable height and again in mid summer if necessary. Will require formal training. Often expensive when shop bought, so grow your own - it's easy from seed and more satisfying!

Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
Square 11cm Black Plant Pots Volume 1L Square 11cm Black Plant Pots Volume 1L
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