Gaillardia Goblin 60 Flower Seeds

Product no.: FLOW074

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Price plus VAT, plus delivery

Seed Count: 60    


Large vibrant flowers on bushy plants. Adds vibrant contrasting colours in borders, pots, or containers. Flowers late in the first year from sowing


Gaillardia Dwarf Goblin Blanket Flowers are one of the longest-blooming perennials, well suited to hot sunny sites. This selection forms a low mound of olive-green leaves, bearing large flame red daisies, each petal tipped with golden yellow. Removing faded flowers will greatly extend the blooming season. Outstanding for edging, borders, rock gardens or containers. Plants should be divided in early spring every 2 to 3 years. These will not tolerate wet, heavy clay soil, particularly in the winter. Flowers are attractive to butterflies, and also excellent for cutting.


Sow indoors, February-April, to flower the same year, 0.5cm (¼") deep, in a tray of compost. Water well and place on a warm windowsill. A temperature of 15-20°C (60-68°F) is ideal. Keep moist. Seedlings usually appear in 14-28 days. Transplant them, 5cm (2") apart, to other trays when large enough to handle. Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out into well-drained soil, May-September, 25cm (10") apart, when frosts are over. Or, sow outdoors to flower the following year, May-July, in a seed bed, 0.5cm (¼") deep, into finely-prepared, well-drained soil, which has already been watered. Thin seedlings to 10cm (4") apart, before planting out to flowering position in autumn, spacing 25cm (10") apart. Flowers: June-September.


Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


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