Dianthus - Baby Doll Mixed Annual Flower Seeds

Product no.: FLOW003

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from £1.38
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Dianthus Baby Doll Mixed is a fine mixture in shades of crimson, pink, rose and white. Annual Dianthus has a range of uses. As a summer bedding plant throughout the summer to autumn.


  • Plant Classification: Annual
  • Height (approx.): 15cm/6in
  • Habit: Bushy, Dwarf, Ground Cover.
  • Reliable and long flowering
  • Fragrant
  • Good for cut flowers


Programming the Crop:

Sow January-March for sales April-June. For summer flowering pot plants sow in March. For autumn flowering, sow in April. Allow around 12-14 weeks sowing to flowering.


Propagation and Growing-on:

Sow the seeds onto the surface of a free-draining, open, seed sowing compost, which should be thoroughly wetted and the trays allowed to drain prior to sowing (to prevent damping-off diseases). Sow into plug trays to prevent root disturbance, or into seed trays. Cover seeds lightly with vermiculite, and cover trays with clear or milky polythene to maintain humidity, until the first seedlings are visible. Germination takes around 7 days at 18-20oC – Higher temperatures may reduce germination. Keep the germinating seedlings moist at all times. Once seedlings are growing well, drop the temperature to around 10oC.

Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions (avoid frosts), before planting out, 15cm (6") apart, into well-drained soil, when frosts are over.


Hints & Tips:

  • Trim back plants after the first flush of blooms fade, to encourage further flowering.
  • Apply a thin layer of compost each spring, followed by a 2-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds.
  • Water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week.
  • Stake tall varieties to keep them upright.
  • Remove spent blooms on tall varieties, or shear back mounding plants after bloom to encourage rebloom.
  • After the first killing frost, cut stems back to an inch or two above soil line.
  • Divide plants every 3 to 4 years as new growth begins in the spring, lifting plants and dividing them into clumps.


Suitable for the garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.


Product Note Status Price
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