
Hot Chilli Collection 4 Varieties Chilli Seeds

Product no.: SEEDVP011-001

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4 Multi Variety Packets of Vegetable/Fruit Seeds


Viridis Hortus - Hot Chilli Collection Contains 4 Varieties - Thai Hot Chilli, Bout Jolokia, Habanero Caribbean Red & Red Scotch Bonnet.

Ideal selection to start off your own home or allotment vegetable/Fruit plot. Sizzle in the kitchen with these fantastic varieties and create your own fiery dishes. These Chilli Peppers are not for the faint hearted, very hot.

Grow a delicious vegetable/fruit crop this year with Viridis Hortus Chilli variety Collection seed pack.

Great deal 4 Variety Packs of Vegetable/Fruit Seeds

Packet Content: Thai Hot Chilli, Bout Jolokia, Habanero Caribbean Red & Scotch Bonnet Red


Huge variety of different seeds Ideal selection to start off your own home vegetable plot.

Sowing Instruction’s enclosed with packs


Content Worth 


Worth value based on items

When purchased separately,

Excluding multi buy Promotions


* Thai Hot Chilli Prpper - 6 Seeds - A wonderfully productive and decorative chilli pepper. The unique, bushy growing habit of Chilli Pepper 'Thai Hot Chilli Prpper' makes it perfect for hanging baskets and containers. These powerful peppers have a Scoville heat rating of around 80000-100000shu, and once harvested can be dried or used fresh from the plant.



* Bout Jolokia Hot Chilli - 6 Seeds - Perhaps One of the world?s hottest chilli is the Bhut Jolokia also known as Bih Jolokia (ghost Chilli) originating in Assam in North East India. It is the one of the record holders with an official Scoville heat rating (SHU) of 1,001,304 SHU twice that of the previous record holder, the Red Savina. Best grown under warm conditions to maximise the heat. Bhut Jolokia, the smallest amount of Bhut Jolokia can flavour a sauce so intensely it?s barely edible. Taking a small bite will cause watering eyes and a runny nose.


Habanero Caribbean Red Hot Chilli - 8 Seeds - A very colourful strain of habanero, Caribbean Red has a very unique flavour, much more potent than a typical Orange Habanero with a very pungent fruity aroma. 1 ¾ inches long by 2 inches wide wrinkled hot peppers. Treat this fireball with respect as it up to 400,000 SHU's. The Caribbean red habanero is about twice as hot as a regular habanero. It matures in as little as 90 days 


Scotch Bonnet Red Chilli Pepper - 8 Seeds - Scotch Bonnets, native to the Caribbean islands, is in the family of the habanero and resembles a habanero, except it is usually redder in color. The Scotch Bonnet is often used in Caribbean chili sauces and, similar to its cousin, the habanero, is ranked between 100,000 and 350,000 SHU.



Viridis Hortus - Hot Chilli Collection 4 Varieties Thai Hot / Bout Jolokia / Habanero Caribbean Red / Scotch Bonnet Red. Ideal selection to start off your own home or allotment vegetable/Fruit plot. Sizzle in the kitchen with these fantastic varieties and create your own fiery dishes. Habanero is not for the faint hearted, very hot.


Sow chilli pepper seeds about 1 cm deep into a seed tray or in small pots or cells. Cover lightly, water and place inside at between 20-25°C to aid germination, place the tray in a plastic bag.

Sow January-March. Germination can be slow with some hot peppers.

As soon as seedlings are large enough to handle, prick out. Transplant the seedlings into small individual pots. Use rich compost and keep the plants between 20-30°C during the growing season.


Sowing Instruction's enclosed with pack


Suitable for the vegetable garden, allotments and containers.

Be prepared to water well and supplement feed with high-potash feed during season. Regular feeding is recommended.

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